7 Random Acts Of Kindness To Make You Smile (Or Ugly Cry)

Sometimes we get caught up in our own lives and forget to appreciate the little things. Random acts of kindness — thoughtful actions you do for someone else without the expectation of getting something in return — remind us of how easy it is to be altruistic. If you only have a few minutes, take the time to read any or all of the seven stories below to see what kind things people are doing for each other. You may not ugly cry like we did, but you’ll definitely get inspired to do your own.


Taxi drivers help Manchester tragedy survivors

After the recent terror attack in the United Kingdom, taxi drivers organized to drive any person who was separated from their loved ones during the explosion for free. This simple show of kindness and collaboration offered much-needed support and immediate healing for a community shattered by tragedy.

Surprise reunion

The NYPD reunited one of its police officers with another officer who helped her in a time of need when she was a teenager. Fair warning: get tissues.

Baby whisperer

Who doesn’t want to cringe when they’re seated next to a crying baby on a an airplane? This woman’s empathy for a mother and crying infant inspires us to be kinder when traveling. The kindness is a win/win/win for the other passengers, too: the baby stopped crying.)

Double victory

A major basketball fan, this team manager watched the beloved games from the sidelines because of a disability… Until his coach decided to put him in the game. You may just stand up and cheer like we did watching it unfold!

Taco Bell employee saves the day

Watch the story of the student working at a Taco Bell who helped a deaf customer feel most welcome.

Saving a life

Ok, this story of a teacher donating her kidney to a student is a pretty big act of kindness, but happened because of pure chance (and Facebook). Watch and try not to tear up.

See something, say something

An entire town is challenging its citizens to help one another! Citizens of Arlington, Texas report acts of kindness on the city’s app when they witness one. Can other towns replicate this great idea, please?

Download ThatHelps’ app to show off your acts of kindness and discover others’ too!

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Photos: United Way of Alamance County, Giphy