Posted by Patti @ ThatHelps
76 Joined

Interest: Poverty & Hunger

Purpose: Promote

Under 5 mins.

More than 30 years ago, the UN General Assembly took an important step in promoting the idea that everyone deserves a safe place to live by declaring that the first Monday in October to be World Habitat Day. This year, the day is October 7, 2024.

Join us for World Habitat Day and year round by lifting your voice to help people in need of decent and affordable housing. Consider using your voice to advocate in a way that works for you OR pick an option below to help make an impact.

1️⃣ Short on time? Add your name to a petition urging Congress to provide a housing guarantee:

2️⃣ Have more time to get involved? Consider volunteering with a Habitat for Humanity near you to help give every one the opportunity for a better future. Find your nearest chapter at:

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