Posted by Jan @ThatHelps
15 Joined

Interest: Children

Purpose: Petition

Under 5 mins.

Before 1975, only one in five children with disabilities attended public school. The landmark law that would later become known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, changed that by declaring that schools could no longer deny an education to students with disabilities.

Now, 49 years later, what's considered "adequate" funding for students with disabilities is on the docket. When the IDEA Act became law in 1975, Congress promised to pay for 40% of the cost of educating students with disabilities. That promise was never lived up to—the closest it has come to reaching the 40% commitment was in 2005, when it reached 18%.

👉 Add your name to shed a renewed spotlight on "adequately" funding educational opportunities for those with disabilities.

📸: Department of Health