Posted by Patti @ ThatHelps
14 Joined

Interest: Animal Welfare

Purpose: Educate

Under 5 mins.

When your pet faces a crisis like a cancer diagnosis, the tears are no-doubt heavy. The thought of losing a furry family member takes the sunshine out of a day. Treating the cancer only adds to the trauma, as care can be expensive. So, what can be done?

Roosevelt was a shelter dog in Chicago who inspired an entire foundation to help pet owners face a cancer diagnosis. They provide financial assistance (as well as some feel-good goodies along the journey.) ThatHelps has been watching them grow over the last seven years, and their impact has been incredible! They have provided more than $2.2 million to families across the U.S. since 2016.

👉 If you have a pet-in-need, contact LiveLikeRoo for financial help:

🐾 Don't have a pet facing a cancer diagnosis? Share this information out with your network so that others know help is available.

📸: LiveLikeRoo Foundation