Posted by Patti @ ThatHelps
9 Joined

Interest: Health & Wellness

Purpose: Promote

A few hours

So, who likes to strip down (a little!) and leave their body-concerns at the door?! The passionate people chasing a cure for NF (neurofibromotosis)....that's who! NF refers to a group of genetic conditions that cause tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body and affects 1 in every 2,000 births. Cupid’s Undie Run kicks off (in cities around the U.S.) with drinking and dancing, then they jog it out with a mile(ish) run and end it all with an epic dance party!

Why do they run/walk in their undies? Because those affected by NF can't cover up their tumors. They can't put on clothes to feel more comfortable, so why should the runners/walkers.

Whether you volunteer or want to run/walk, find out if your city has an event and save-the-date! You'll be glad that you did.

Source & 📸: Cupid's Undie Run, Jared Murphy