Posted by ThatHelps Team
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Interest: Family & Community

Purpose: Promote

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Hurricane season is here! Emergency kits can make a drastic difference in how you (and your family or friends) can weather difficult times. Read on for the most commonly forgotten items in emergency kits (and find links to emergency kits that you can purchase, if you need even more help):

Commonly forgotten items include......
✔️ Prescriptions
✔️ Glasses
✔️ Cash & Change (in a waterproof container)
✔️ Foods Adhering To Your Dietary Restrictions
✔️ Matches
✔️ Glasses
✔️ Pet Care (food, medications, a toy!)
✔️ Hygiene Supplies (including a simple toothbrush)

Tap "Join" above and comment 👇 with any suggestions to help!

Need a ready-purchase emergency kit? Here are a few to look into:
1️⃣ Survival Kits For Hurricane Evacuation or Sheltering-In-Place:

2️⃣ Emergency-Prep "Go-Bags" Made Easy:

📸: Shutterstock