Posted by Patti @ ThatHelps
14 Joined

Interest: Animal Welfare

Purpose: Educate

Under 5 mins.

You just found a group of tiny newborn kittens outside 🐈‍⬛ and their mother is nowhere to be seen 👀. Before that rescue instinct kicks in and you scoop them up, take a deep breath, step back and evaluate the situation.

Our friends at Humane Society have a few tips:

🐾 In most cases, removing the kittens is not the best response. Mother cats may leave their kittens for several hours at a time. If the kittens are warm and don’t appear sick or in distress, their mom is likely nearby, getting food or hiding from you.

🐾 The kittens’ best chances for survival are with their mom. Her milk is much better quality than kitten milk replacement. She’s able to keep them warm and stimulate them to pee and poop, as well as help them learn to be cats.

🐾 Keep in mind that your presence may keep mom cat away, so monitor the nest from a distance.

For more details on what to do if the kittens look sick or abandoned 👉

Source & 📸: HSUS