Posted by ThatHelps Team
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Interest: Health & Wellness

Purpose: Educate

About an hour

June is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month. Suicide is a complex issue with no easy answers. But one thing’s for sure — the best defense is a good offense. 

If you already participated in our "Break the Stigma" Opportunity, we thought it would only be fitting to share information about an online platform geared specifically to men's mental health. With a simple motto of "it's ok to cry, even when it's not about sports," Man Therapy helps men take charge of their mental health regardless of where you live.

👉 Each man is on their own journey of well-being, trying to navigate their own issue and opportunities. Man Therapy takes a comprehensive, upstream approach and meets men where they are. Whether you can use this yourself, or you have a man in your life that could benefit, give it a look at

NOTE: This is not a paid endorsement.
Source: Man Therapy
📸: Man Therapy