Posted by ThatHelps Team
36 Joined

Interest: Culture

Purpose: Petition

Under 5 mins.

Ranked as the most beautiful island in the world in 2016, Palawan also happens to be a UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve in 1990 – an internationally recognized ecological and cultural treasure. The island has been referred to as the cradle of Philippine civilization due to the remarkable archaeological discoveries made there. Palawan is also home to some of the oldest trees in the Northern Hemisphere and is the habitat of more than 200 endemic species and more than 100 endangered species.

But now the Philippine government is opening vast areas of rich biodiversity and Indigenous land to mining.  Rainforest Rescue is leading the mission to save Palawan. We invite you to join in by adding your name in support at:

Source: Rainforest Rescue; CN Traveler
📸: Alamy