Posted by Jan @ThatHelps
15 Joined

Interest: Animal Welfare

Purpose: Petition

Under 5 mins.

Copenhagen Fashion Week has set a new standard in the fashion industry by announcing a ban on exotic skins and feathers from its catwalks next year. This bold move is a significant step towards more ethical and compassionate fashion, challenging other major fashion events to follow suit. Just last month, New York and Paris catwalks were filled with feathers.  It's time for New York and Paris Fashion Weeks to embrace this change and demonstrate their commitment to ending cruelty in fashion.

👉 The use of exotic skins and feathers in fashion is a glaring example of unnecessary cruelty. Animals are subjected to unimaginable suffering for the sake of luxury items that are easily replaceable with ethical alternatives.  Add your name in support:

Source: Care2
📸: Care2