Posted by ThatHelps Team
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Interest: Poverty & Hunger

Purpose: Promote

Under 5 mins.

For those who are hungry, limited funds and transportation issues can make getting access to food extremely difficult. Here on ThatHelps, we've seen a growing number of community members inquire about ways to access food in their communities. We're hopeful this can help.

A growing new service, organized by Feeding America and 30 food banks around the U.S., is bringing an 'order ahead' approach to (free) groceries. In some areas, the groceries can even be delivered to your doorstep. The process is very similar to other online grocery apps, except with OrderAhead there is no cost. After checking out, you get a confirmation email, and then can go pick up your groceries (or have them delivered).

If you, or someone you know, are in need of (free) groceries, consider this growing new service 👉

The program has already helped 96,000 families across the U.S. If you find that your city does not yet have the program available, consider using the following link for physical locations of Feeding America food pantries:

PS - Consider sharing this information out to those who can use it. Tap "Share" below.

Source: Feeding America
📸: Acorns